Featured image of post 貝多芬鋼琴奏鳴曲_革命風暴


第8號ch3, 第14號ch3, 第17號ch1, 第21號ch1, 第23號ch3, 第32號ch1

Beethoven piano sonata No_8 《Pathétique 悲愴》第三樂章



Beethoven piano sonata No_14《Moonlight 月光》第三樂章

0:38 - 1:10 !!!!!!!!!!!! @aimilios439 This recording seems pretty strange to me. Gould most often plays Beethoven as if it was written by Bach, showing all the existent voices of his pieces. But in this recording, even though polyphonic in many cases, he treats Ludwig differently, as if the sonata was written by Rachmaninoff. Gould 在大多數情況下演奏貝多芬的作品時,往往會將其彷彿是巴赫所寫,展現出作品中所有存在的聲部。但在這次的錄音中,即使在許多情況下是多聲部的,他卻以不同的方式對待路德維希,彷彿這奏鳴曲是由拉赫瑪尼諾夫所寫。

Beethoven piano sonata No_17《The Tempest 暴風雨》第一樂章

Beethoven piano sonata No_21《Waldstein 華德斯坦》第一樂章


Beethoven piano sonata No_23《Appassionata 熱情》第三樂章


Beethoven piano sonata No_32 第一樂章